It’s only been a few days since my arrival in Seoul but I just couldn’t wait any longer to post–
The last couple months have been a very exhausting but also a very meaningful time. I went through every single item (including 5 cans of WD40’s – don’t ask me why we have so many -and 10 pairs of tweezers!!!!) that we had in the house and so many things brought back all the wonderful memories we had in the US. Leaving was really sad but it was also a catharsis for me. There was a sense of freedom and lightness that came over me as I kept purging away…
And now.. I have to start a whole new life here – including a whole new set of Korean seasonings (양념 Yangnyeom) for cooking. So I started writing down a list and then thought that this list may be useful to many of you. So here it is. This is a pretty complete list of Korean seasonings and condiments that I feel are must-haves if you are going to cook Korean food.
I have organized the list based on Escoffier’s categorization of seasoning and condiments: (ones in italics are extra and not a ‘must-have’)
Seasonings (양념 Yang nyeom )
Saline Seasonings
- Salt (소금 Sohkeum) – Korean sea salt is best. (see my K Ingredients page)
Acid Seasonings
- Vinegar (식초 Shikcho) – Brown Rice Vinegar (현미식초 Hyunmee Shikcho)
- Persimmon Vinegar (감식초 Kaamshikcho )
- Apple Vinegar (사과식초 Saakwashikcho)
Hot Seasonings
- Red chili powder (고추가루 Gochukaroo)
- Ground black pepper (후추가루 Hoochookaroo)
- Fresh green chili pepper (풋고추 Putgochoo)
- Dried Red chili pepper (홍고추 Hong gochoo)
Sweet Seasonings
- Sugar (설탕 Seoltang)
- Rice Malt Syrup (조청 Jochung) – substitute corn syrup or maple syrup
- Honey (꿀 Kkul)
- Plum syrup/extract (매실청 Maesilchung) – this syrup was not used much traditionally but is now very popular. Both my mother-in-law and mother gave me a bottle so you can imagine how popular it is now.
The pungents
- Garlic (마늘 Maaneul), ginger (생강 Saengkang), onions(양파 Yangpa), chives (부추 Boochoo), green onions ( 파 Pa )
Hot condiments (Sauces and Wines)
- Soy sauce (간장 Kanjang) – see Know your Korean Soy Sauce – Buying Guide for more
- Soup soy sauce (국간장 Kook kanjang aka 조선간장 Chosun Kanjang)
- Dark soy sauce (진간장 Jin Kanjang)
- Soy bean paste (된장 Dwenjang/Doenjang) – see Know your Doenjang for more
- Red pepper paste (고추장 Gochujang) – see How to make Gochujang at home if you want to make your own
- Yellow mustard (겨자 Gyeoja) aka Oriental yellow mustard
- Rice wine or Mirin (미린)
- Fermented Shrimp (새우젓 Saewoo jeot) -see my K ingredients page
- Fermented Anchovy Sauce (멸치액젓 Myulchi-aek-jeot)
Fatty Substances
- Sesame Seed oil (참기름 Chaamkireum)
- Perilla Seed oil (들기름 Deulkireum)
- Soy Bean oil (콩기름 Kongireum)
- Vegetable oil (식용유 Shik yong yu)
Additionally, following are garnishes that are often used to add finishing flavors and decoration:
- Sesame seeds (깨 Kkae)
- Black Sesame seeds (검은깨 Kumeunkkae)
- Perilla leaves (깻잎 Kkaetnip) – my favorite!!
- Crown daisies (쑥갓 Ssukkat)
- Chives (부추 Buchu)
- Water parsley/water dropwort (미나리 Minari) – aka Japanese parsley
- Pine nuts (잣 Jaat)
- Jujube (대추 Daechoo)
- Gingko Nuts (은행 Eunhang)
- Roasted Sea Laver (김 Keem) – substitute Nori
- Dried Red Pepper slivers (실고추 Shilgochu)
Below is a photo of seasonings and some condiments that I was able to get so far.
With these seasonings and condiments, you should be able to cook almost every Korean recipe. Hopefully I did not forget anything… 😉
PS. If you want to know what brands I like – 풀무원 Pulmuone, 오뚜기 Ottogi and CJ are all good brands in general. 샘표 Sampio has been making soy sauce for many years…and 해찬들 Haechandeul makes good 고추장 gochujang.
Hi Jin-Joo! I have been enjoying following your posts recently and wondered if you could answer a question for me. I cook Korean food for my family regularly, and my sister in law has celiacs disease, so she can’t have wheat. A lot of Korean food is great for her, but I have found that the gochujang I usually buy (sempio) contains wheat. Do you know of a gluten free gochujang that you recommend?
Hi Katie, Sempio has a gluten free gochujang (search for it) that’s pretty good. Hope you can find it! Good luck
Thank you so much for your nice compliments.
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