My spring garden pics!! I know that is kind of a random title..this is a Korean food blog.. and I always feel conflicted whenever I post about something other than Korean food or at least something related to that. Will my readers hate it? Will they think it’s a waste of their online time?? But, you know what?? I decided it’s Friday and I will do whatever I feel like and share some pretty pictures of my spring garden – just because.
With blogging and all the social media things I do, there are no Fridays or weekends, it all kind of blends in. When I was working, Friday was such a special day but now, there’s no special distinction. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all of it and I feel truly thankful and blessed that I am able to do it. But after working on my Soy Sauce post for days, I think I’m kinda burnt out from using my brain too much or maybe my eyes too much?? This morning I woke up with a headache and I am not able to concentrate much on my very important Korean Seasonings book…
Spring is coming (or is it already here?) and I am really enjoying my garden everyday and seeing all the cute blooms my edible garden is producing. Last year, I was so happy to be back in California and in my garden, I kinda went crazy and planted as lot of different fruit trees. With the terrible drought they just barely survived through the year but with this winter’s rain, they are all very happy and are giving me beautiful flowers. Because some of them, I’m seeing the bloom for the first time, it’s so fun. What does a goji berry flower look like??
So just sit back and enjoy my fruit flowers show and little stories from my spring garden.
My fruit salad tree has two kinds of peach, plum and apricot. I lost one of the peaches so I basically have 4 different blooms going on in one tree!
One day in February, we had the most mysterious foggy, drizzly morning. And this is what I found when I went out to the garden. My Poinsettia leaves and my rose tree leaves had these tiniest drops which looked almost like diamonds spread throughout and also hanging from the edges…I was afraid to even breathe!!
Last year, I posted a picture of my very tall kale plant on my instagram with the title “world’s tallest kale plant?” The kale kept growing but I had to say good bye because it was just growing too tall…so I plucked it out of the ground but did not have the heart to put in our garden compost bin so I just threw it on one of my vegetable garden bed thinking it will just die soon or later. But the kale plant decided to grow sideways!! So in the above picture, you see that the root is exposed but I think part of it must have found its way down into the ground. Oh, the power of nature!! I think I will be making some great baby kale salads often. :)) Sorry kale for not believing in you~ ;0
TGIF!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Thanks Jin Joo for sharing your lovely garden photos 🙂 It’s really beautiful!
Hi! Thank you for saying that! So happy that you enjoyed my pics. 😉 Have a great one~
Thank you for the refreshing taste of Spring! Love the sideways kale plant!
Thank you!!! So happy to hear your comment. 🙂