What is Haepari ?
Haepari 해파리 is an edible jellyfish - an ingredient used in many dishes around the world, particularly throughout Asia. It doesn't have a lot of flavor but most enjoy it for the texture. It is slightly chewy and crunchy. Jellyfish spoils quickly when kept at room temperature, so it is often very quickly cleaned and processed after being caught.

In Korea, it is preserved by salting heavily and then is sold refrigerated in packages. The shredded pieces have a crunchy texture and are used to make jellyfish salad (Haepari Naengche) in Korea.
Where and What To Buy
Korean or Asian grocery stores - in the refrigerated or frozen section. There isn't usually a big selection so there probably isn't much to choose from.
How to Use/Cook
Most jellyfish come in a package that's heavily seasoned with salt. You need to rinse all the salt off before cooking with it. Follow my instructions in my Jellyfish Salad recipe.
How to Clean/Store
Shredded, salted jellyfish should be kept refrigerated.
Nutrition/Health Info
- rinsed and de-salted ready-to-use jellyfish are very low in calories and contain very little fat, 5% protein and the rest of 95% is all water