Sikhye is a classic Korean dessert drink that is made from malt barley. I LOVE the unique sweet taste of sikhye and the soft, melt in your mouth rice that comes floating in the drink.
Soak the yeotkireum in warm water for 1 hour. Massage with your hands 2-3 times to get everything loose from the husk. Strain the water, making sure you squeeze out all the good stuff.
Rest the strained water for 2-3 hours. While it is resting, cook the rice. Use less water when cooking the rice to create drier rice. Add the top sediment from the yeotkireum water to the rice cooker.
Keep the rice and yeotkireum mixutre warm in the rice cooker for around 5 hours. If you want the rice to float when served, strain the rice from the liquid and rinse under cold water. Store in the fridge.
If you don't care about the rice floating, pour the liquid and rice into a large pot. Don't add the white sediments. Boil for 10 minutes. Skim off any foam while boiling.
Serve and Enjoy!